MATOKEO YA KIDATO CHA PILI 2021 -2022 - FTSEE NECTA Results 2021 - FTNA NECTA Past Papers - Form Two Past Papers
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matokeo ya kidato cha pili 2021 - 2022 |
Kuangalia Matokeo form two mwaka 2020/2021:-
Form FTSEE NECTA National Examination results
Matokeo ya mtihani wa kidato cha pili mwaka 2019-2020 Yametangazwa leo 09/01/2020 na necta >> FTNA/FTSEE Form 2 Exam Results 2020 >> FORM TWO Results 2020/2021 - Matokeo ya mitihani ya Taifa kidato cha pili 2020/2021 Zanzibar - Yapate hapa chini
PATA PIA ACSEE RESULTS 2020 NA MATOKEO YA KIDATO CHA NNE 2019 _ Yametangazwa leo 09/01/2020 - Shule 10 Bora kitaifa 2019
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TOP 10 SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TANZANIA - Shule 10 bora za sokondari.
FORM TWO NATIONAL ASSESSMENT FORMATS (Matokeo kidato cha pili 2020 - 2021)
The National Examinations Council of Tanzania administered the Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) since 2014. This Form Two Assessment Format booklet has been prepared to provide guidance to teachers and students in their preparation of their Form Two National Assessment. The subjects covered in this document include the seven core subjects, which are Civics, History, Geography, Kiswahili, English Language, Biology and Basic Mathematics. It also contains ten bias subjects which are Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Engineering Science, Commerce, Book Keeping, Technical Drawing, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Furthermore the booklet contain twelve optional subjects namely Bible Knowledge, Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu, Fine Arts, Music, Physical Education, French Language, Arabic Language, Additional Mathematics, Food and Nutrition, Textile and Dressmaking, Theatre Arts and Information and Computer Studies.UTARATIBU WA KUTUNUKU MATOKEO YA MITIHANI YA TAIFA (FORM TWO, FORM IV & FORM SIX)
CIVICS FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Civics assessment format for Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- There will be one (01) paper of 2:30 hours duration consisting of seven (07) questions in three sections A, B and C. Students will be required to answer all questions in section A and B and one (01) question from section C.
- Section A will comprise of three (03) questions. Question one (01) will consist of twenty (20) multiple choice questions items. Each item will weigh one (01) mark. Question two (02) will consist of five (5) matching items. Each item will weigh one (01) mark and question three (03) will consist of ten (10) True/False items. Each item will weigh one (01) mark. Section A will weigh thirty five (35) marks.
- Section B will comprise two (02) questions (Question 4 and 5). Students will be required to answer all questions. Questions four (04) will be on comprehension. In this question, students will give short answers to five (05) items that will be set from the passage. The passage will consist of about 180 to 200 words. Question 4 will weigh ten (10) marks. Question five (05) will consists of ten (10) items that will require students to give definitions of concepts and provide two (02) points on the importance/effects of each concept. The question will weigh forty (40) marks.
- Section C will comprise of two (02) essay questions (question 6 and 7). Each question will weigh fifteen (15) marks. Students will be required to choose one (01) question from this section.
The following topics will be assessed:-- Our nation
- Promotion of life skills
- Human rights
- Responsible citizenship
- Work
- Family life
- Proper behavior and responsible decision making 5.8 Road safety education
- Government of Tanzania
- Democracy
- Gender
HISTORY FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - History assessment format for Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- There will be one (1) paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of three (3) sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions. Students will be required to answer all questions from sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
- Section A will comprise four (4) questions set from various topics. Question 1 will comprise ten (10) multiple-choice items, question 2 will comprise ten (10) matching items, question 3 will comprise ten (10) True and False items and in question 4 the students will be required to give a brief descriptions on five (5) historical terms. Each question will carry ten (10) marks making a total of forty (40) marks in this section.
- Section B will consist of three (3) questions set from various topics. Question 5 will comprise five (5) historical statements of which the students will be required to arrange them in a chronological order. Question 6 will have five (5) items in which the students will be required to fill in the blanks. In question 7 the students will be required to identify/determine/interpret five (5) historical places or events on a given sketch map/chart/drawing/picture/photograph. Each question will carry ten (10) marks making a total of thirty (30) marks in this section.
- Section C will comprise three (3) essay questions derived from various topics. The students will be required to answer only two (2) questions from this section. Each question will carry fifteen (15) marks making a total of thirty (30) marks in this section.
The following topics will be assessed:- Sources and Importance of Studying History.
- Evolution of Man, Technology and Environment.
- Development of Economic Activities and their Impact.
- Development of Social and Political Systems.
- Interactions among the People of Africa.
- Social-Economic Development and Production in Pre-colonial Africa.
- Africa and the External World.
- Industrial Capitalism.
GEOGRAPHY FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Geography assessment format for the Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- There will be one (1) paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will comprise a total of ten (10) questions in sections A, B and C. Students will be required to answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
- Section A: This section will consist of three (3) questions set from various topics. Question one (1) will consist of ten (10) multiple choice items, question two (2) will consist of five (5) matching items and question three (3) will consist of ten (10) True/False items. Each item in question 1, 2 and 3 will weigh one (1) mark. The whole section will carry twenty five (25) marks.
- Section B: This section will consist of three (3) short answers questions (Question 4, 5 and 6). Question 4 and 5 will be set from Human Geography and Physical Geography topics, which will weigh fifteen (15) marks each. Question 6 will be set from Map Work topic which will weigh fifteen (15) marks. The whole section will weigh a total of forty five (45) marks.
- Section C: This section will consist of four (4) essay questions (Question 7, 8, 9 and 10) which will be set from Human Geography. Students will be required to answer two (2) questions from this section. Each question will weigh fifteen (15) marks. The whole section will weigh a total of thirty (30) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Concept of Geography
- The Solar System
- Major Features of the Earth's Surface 5.4 Weather
- Climate
- Map Work
- Agriculture
- Water Management for Economic Development 5.9 Sustainable Use of Forest Resources
- Sustainable Mining
- Tourism
- Manufacturing Industry
- Sustainable Use of Power and Energy Resources 5.14 Transport.
BIBLE KNOWLEDGE FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Bible Knowledge assessment format for Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- There will be one (1) paper which will comprise eight (8) questions in sections A, B, C and D. Students will be required to answer all questions from sections A, B and C and only one (1) question from section D. The duration for the paper will be 2:30 hours.
- Section A will consist of two (2) questions (question 1 and 2) set from various topics. Question 1 will consist of ten (10) multiple-choice items carrying a total of ten (10) marks. Question 2 will consist of ten (10) matching items from any of the topics carrying ten (10) marks. This section will carry twenty (20) marks.
- Section B will consist of two (2) questions (question 3 and 4) each question set from a different topic. Question 3 will consist of ten (10) True/False items set from one topic. Question 4 will consist of ten (10) items in which the students will be required to fill in the blanks. The students will be given a list of fifteen (15) words/phrases to choose as responses to fill in the given blanks. Each question will carry ten (10) marks. This section will carry twenty (20) marks.
- Section C will consist of two (2) questions (question 5 and 6) each question set from a different topic. Question 5 will consist of ten (10) short answer items set from one topic. Each item will carry two (2) marks making a total of twenty (20) marks. In question 6 the students will be required to write short description of five biblical places/persons/concepts/themes from one topic. The question will carry twenty (20) marks. This section will carry forty (40) marks.
- Section D will consist of two (2) essay questions set from different topics. Students will be required to answer one (1) question. This section will carry twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Creation
- The fall and its outcome
- Life of Abraham
- The Sons of Isaac
- The Hebrews in Egypt
- Israelites’ journey through the desert 5.7 Israel under the leadership of Joshua 5.8 Israel under the leadership of Judges.
FINE ARTS FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Fine Arts was issued in 2005 by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. This assessment format has been designed based on the syllabus requirements.
- There will be one paper of three (3) hours duration. The paper will consist of sections A, B, C and D with eight (8) questions. Students will be required to answer two (2) questions from any two (2) sections. Each question will carry fifty (50) marks. The 24 Hours Advance Instructions will be sent to schools to enable them to prepare materials required for the assessment.
- Section A will consist of two (2) questions set from the topic of Still Life. Students will be required to answer one (1) question. Each question will weigh fifty (50) marks.
- Section B will consist of two (2) questions set from the topic of Drawing from Nature. Students will be required to answer one (1) question. Each question will weigh 50 marks.
- Section C will consist of two (2) questions set from the topic of Pictorial Composition. Students will be required to answer one (1) question. Each question will weigh fifty (50) marks.
- Section D will consist of two (2) questions set from the topic of Craft and Design. Students will be required to answer one (1) question. Each question will weigh fifty (50) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Still life drawing
- Drawing from nature
- Pictorial composition
- Craft and design
MUSIC FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Music syllabus was issued in 2005 by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. This assessment format has been designed based on the syllabus requirements.
- There will be one paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of sections A, B and C with a total of six (6) questions. Students will be required to answer all questions in section A, B and C.
- Section A will consist of one (1) question with twenty (20) multiple choice items set from all major topics of the syllabus. Each item will carry two (2) marks. This section will weigh forty (40) marks.
- Section B will consist of two (2) questions. Question 2 will consist of ten (10) matching items. Question 3 will consist of ten (10) true or false items. Each item will carry one (1) mark. The section will weigh twenty (20) marks.
- Section C will consist of three (3) short answer questions of which question 4 and 5 will consist of five (5) items and each question will weigh ten (10) marks. Question 6 will consist of two (2) short answer items and will weigh ten (10) marks in each item. Student will be required to answer all questions. The section will weigh forty (40) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Rudiments of music
- Harmony
- Applied music
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - This assessment format has been formulated on the basis of the revised Physical Education Syllabus of 2005. The main objective of this format is to give guidance to Physical Education assessors in setting items for assessment.
- There will be one (1) paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of ten (10) questions spread in three sections A, B and C. Students will be required to answer all questions in all sections.
- Section A will comprise four (4) questions. Question 1 will consist of ten (10) multiple-choice items set from all major topics of the syllabus. Question 2 will have five (05) matching items set from any one topic/ sub topic in the syllabus. Question 3 will consist of ten (10) items of true or false statements, Question 4 will consist of five (05) filling in the blanks items. Each item in all questions will carry one (01) mark. Section A will weigh thirty (30) marks in total.
- Section B will comprise five (5) short answer questions set from various topics in the syllabus. Students will be required to answer all questions in this section. Each question will carry ten (10) marks. This section will weigh fifty (50) marks.
- Section C will comprise one (1) question from any games topic. This section will weigh twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Principles of Physical Education.
- Safety.
- First Aid.
- Health Related Physical Fitness.
- Performance Related Physical Fitness.
- Gymnastics.
- Swimming.
- Recreation and Outdoor Activities.
- Ball games (Soccer and Netball).
- Track and Field Events (Short and Middle distance running,Relays and Hurdles).
THEATRE ARTS FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Theatre Arts syllabus was issued in 2008 by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. The syllabus has been improved to focus more on acquisition of competences rather than content
- There will be one paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of sections A, B and C with a total of 11 questions.
- Section A will consist of four (4) questions. Question 1 will comprise ten (10) multiple choice items set from all major topics of the syllabus. Question 2 will comprise ten (10) matching items. Question 3 will comprise five (5) filling in the blanks items and question 4 will comprise five (5) questions on true or false items. Each item will weigh 1 mark. Students will be required to answer all questions. The section will weigh thirty (30) marks.
- Section B will consist of five (5) short answer questions. Students will be required to answer all questions. Each question will carry ten (10) marks. The section will weigh fifty (50) marks.
- Section C will consist of two (2) essay questions. Students will be required to answer one (1) question. The question will carry twenty (20) marks. The section will weigh twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Culture
- Art
- Theatre arts
- Theatre arts practices in Tanzania
- World theatre practices
- Performing techniques in African theatre
- Performing techniques in selected non-African theatre.
KISWAHILI KIDATO CHA PILI EXAM FORMAT - Fomati hii imeandaliwa ili kukidhi utunzi wa maswali ya Upimaji wa Kidato cha Pili. Fomati imezingatia muhtasari wa mwaka 2005 uliorekebishwa mwaka 2010 kwa Kidato cha Kwanza na cha Pili.
- Kutakuwa na karatasi moja yenye sehemu A, B, C, D na E. Muda wa upimaji utakuwa saa 2:30. Jumla ya maswali yatakuwa kumi (10) na mwanafunzi atatakiwa kujibu maswali yote kwa kuzingatia maelekezo ya kila sehemu.
- Sehemu A itahusu Ufahamu na itakuwa na maswali mawili (02) kuhusu kifungu cha habari. Swali la kwanza litakuwa na vipengele vinne (04). Swali la pili litahusu ufupisho. Sehemu hii itakuwa na alama kumi na tano (15).
- Sehemu B itahusu Sarufi na itakuwa na maswali mawili (02) yenye vipengele vyenye kuhitaji majibu mafupi. Mwanafunzi atatakiwa kujibu maswali yote. Sehemu hii itakuwa na jumla ya alama ishirini (20).
- Sehemu C itahusu Mawasiliano na Utumizi wa Lugha. Sehemu hii itakuwa na maswali mawili (02) yenye kuhitaji majibu mafupi. Mwanafunzi atatakiwa kujibu maswali yote. Sehemu hii itakuwa na jumla ya alama ishirini (20).
- Sehemu D itahusu Fasihi na itajikita katika Fasihi kwa Ujumla, Uhakiki, Uhifadhi na Utunzi wa Kazi za Fasihi Simulizi. Sehemu hii itakuwa na maswali matatu (03) yenye kuhitaji majibu mafupi. Mwanafunzi atatakiwa kujibu maswali yote. Sehemu hii itakuwa na alama thelathini (30).
- Sehemu E itahusu Uandishi/Utungaji na itakuwa na swali moja (01). Sehemu hii itakuwa na alama kumi na tano (15).
Mada zifuatazo zitapimwa:- Ufahamu
- Sarufi
- Mawasiliano na Utumizi wa Lugha 5.4 Fasihi
- Uandishi/Utungaji
ENGLISH LANGUAGE FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - This format has accommodated the changes made in the new English Language syllabus issued in 2005 and revised in 2010, which focuses more on enabling the students to communicate in varied situations, rather than on grammar perfection. This format, therefore, puts emphasis on testing students’ ability to use appropriate English Language to communicate in a variety of settings.
- The assessment will consist of one (1) paper of 2:30 hours duration. There will be 10 questions distributed in sections A, B, C and D. Students will be required to answer all questions in each section.
- Section A: Comprehension and Summary There will be two (2) questions in this section. Question one (1) will have two parts; part (a) will involve reading a passage and respond to 5 short answer items and part (b) will involve reading the same passage and responding to 5 True/False items. Each short answer in part (a) will weigh two (2) marks; while each True/False item in part (b) will weigh one (1) mark. Question two (2) will involve reading a short passage and transferring information to a table or filling-in-blank spaces. Each item in question two will weigh one (1) mark. The whole section will carry twenty (20) marks.
- Section B: Language Use The section will consist of three (3) questions. One question will be on
- matching items, another on jumbled items and the other on composition/letter writing. The matching and jumbled items will carry five (5) marks each, while the questions on composition/letter writing will weigh ten (10) marks. The whole section will comprise twenty (20) marks.
- Section C: Patterns and Vocabulary The section will have a total of three (3) questions designed to test the students’ ability to use different vocabulary items and language patterns in different communicative situations. Question 6 and 7(a) will require students to fill in the blanks and will carry five (5) marks each. Questions 7(b), 8(a) & (b) will require students to re-write or transform sentences and will weigh ten (10) marks each. The section will comprise forty (40) marks.
- Section D: Reading Programme There will be two (2) questions designed to test the students’ ability to analyse/explain content of simple English readers and poems that are recommended in the reading programme. The whole section will carry twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Comprehension and Summary
- Patterns and Vocabulary
- Language Use
- Reading programme
FRENCH LANGUAGE FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - French Language Assessment format for the Form Two National Assessment has been prepared basing on the 2005 French Language Syllabus which was revised in 2010.
- The French Assessment will consist of one paper and it will be of 2:30 hours duration. This paper will consist of four (4) sections with a total of ten (10) questions and the students will be required to answer all the questions.
- Section A: Comprehension There will be two (2) questions in this section. Question 1 will consist of two (2) parts; question 1(a) will involve reading a passage and responding to 5 multiple choice items. Each item will carry one (1) mark. In question 1(b), the students will use the same passage to respond to 5 short-answer items. Each item will carry two (2) marks. Question 2 will involve reading a short text and responding to True/False items. Each item will carry one (1) mark. This section will carry twenty (20) marks.
- Section B: Language Patterns/Structure This section will consist of five (5) questions aimed at testing the students’ ability to use different language patterns in different situations. This section will carry a total of forty five (45) marks.
- Section C: Language Use This section will consist of two (2) questions of which one question will be on matching items and another on jumbled items. Matching items will carry five (5) marks while jumbled items will carry ten (10) marks. The whole section will carry fifteen (15) marks.
- Section D: Written Expression/Composition This section will consist of one (1) question on composition. The students will write a composition basing on the guided questions. This question will carry twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Comprehension
- Language Patterns/Structure
- Language Use
- Written Expression/Composition
ARABIC LANGUAGE FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - The 2015 Arabic Form Two National Assessment Format is based on the 1995 Arabic Language syllabus. This format has been prepared to enable both teachers and students to be aware on how Arabic Language will be assessed based on the syllabus requirements.
- The Arabic Language assessment will consist of one (1) paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of 11 questions distributed in sections A, B, C and D. Sections A, B and C will be compulsory while in section D the students will be required to choose one of the two questions.
- Section A: Comprehension and Summary This section will consist of one (1) question with three parts. Part one will involve reading a passage and respond to short answer items, the second part will involve filling in blank spaces and third part will involve summary writing. Short answer items in part (a) will weigh ten (10) marks; while filling in blank spaces in part (b) will weigh five (5) marks and summary writing in part (c) will weigh five (5) marks, thus making a total of twenty (20) marks.
- Section B: Language Use This section will have a total of four (4) question (2, 3, 4 and 5) set
- from various topics. Question 2 will require the students to fill the blanks, question 3 will be on dialogue, question 4 will be on jumbled sentences, and question 5 will be on matching items. Questions 2, 4 and 5 will carry five (05) marks each and question 3 on dialogue will carry ten (10) marks, thus making a total of twenty five (25) marks.
- Section C: Grammar This section will consist of four (4) questions (6, 7, 8 and 9) set from various topics. Question 6 will require the students to fill the blanks, question 7 will be on short answers, question 8 will be on True and False and question 9 will require the students to analyze the underlined words. Each question will carry ten (10) marks except question 8 which will carry five (5) marks, thus making a total of thirty five (35) marks.
- Section D: Composition and Letter Writing This section will consist of two (2) questions; one question on letter writing and another one on composition. The required length of the composition will be between sixty words and one hundred words. Students will be required to answer one (1) question. The question will carry twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Comprehension and summary
- Language use
- Grammar
- Composition and letter writing
PHYSICS FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Physics assessment format for the Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- There will be one (1) theory paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of ten (10) questions categorized into sections A, B and C. The students will be required to attempt all questions from all sections.
- Section A This section will comprise three (3) objective questions. The section will weigh a total of thirty (30) marks. The students will be required to answer all the questions.
- Question one (1) will be on multiple choice composed of 20 items derived from various topics and will carry twenty (20) marks.
- Question two (2) will involve five (5) matching items and will carry five (5) marks.
- Question three (3) will be on filling in the blanks composed of five (5) items derived from various topics and will carry five (5) marks.
- Section B This section will consist of five (5) short answer questions, each
- carrying ten (10) marks. The section will weigh fifty (50) marks. The students will be required to answer all the questions.
- Section C This section will consist of two (2) questions aimed at assessing students’ knowledge and skills in drawing and management of Physics apparati and simple technological devices in everyday life. Each question will carry ten (10) marks making a total of twenty (20) marks. The students will be required to answer all the questions.
The following topics will be assessed:- Introduction to Physics
- Introduction to Laboratory Practice
- Measurements
- Forces
- Archimedes Principle and Law of Flotation 5.6 Structure and Properties of Matter
- Pressure
- Work, Energy and Power
- Light
- Static Electricity
- Current Electricity
- Magnetism
- Forces in Equilibrium
- Simple Machines
- Motion in Straight Lines
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Temperature
- Sustainable Energy Sources
CHEMISTRY FROM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Chemistry assessment format for Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- The assessment will have one (1) theory paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of sections A and B comprising ten (10) questions. Students will be required to answer all the questions.
- Section A will consist of two (2) questions which will be on multiple choice items, matching items and filling-in-the-blanks. This section will weigh twenty (20) marks.
- The multiple choice question will consist 10 items from various topics. Each item will carry one (1) mark making a total of ten (10) marks.
- The matching items and the filling-in-the-blanks question will consist a total of ten (10) items from various topics. Each item will carry one (1) mark, making a total of ten (10) marks.
- Section B will consist of eight (8) short answer questions composed from various topics. Each question will carry ten (10) marks, making a total of eighty (80) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Introduction to Chemistry
- Laboratory techniques and safety
- Heat sources and flames
- The scientific procedure
- Matter
- Air, combustion, rusting and fire fighting 5.7 Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Water
- Fuels and energy
- Atomic structure
- Periodic classification
- Formula, bonding and nomenclature.
BIOLOGY FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - Form Two Biology assessment format has been derived from the revised Biology syllabus issued in 2005. Basically, the format focuses on objectives and competences of the secondary education system.
- Biology Theory Assessment Paper will be of 2:30 hours duration. Thepaper will consist of three (3) sections; A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions. The paper will weigh 100 marks.
- Section A will comprise four (4) questions and will weigh a total of thirty (30) marks.
- Question one (1) will be on multiple choices composed often (10) items derived from various topics and will carry ten (10) marks.
- Question two (2) will be on True and False composed of ten (10) items derived from various topics and will carry ten (10) marks.
- Question three (3) will involve five matching items which are homogenous (derived from one of the topics) and will carry five (5) marks.
- Question four (4) will be on filling in the blanks composed of five (5) items derived from one of the topics and will carry five (5) marks.
- Section B will consist of five (5) short answer questions, each of which will carry ten (10) marks. The section will weigh a total of fifty (50) marks.
- Section C will comprise two (2) essay questions, each of which will carry twenty (20) marks. Students will be required to answer only one (1) question. The section will weigh twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Introduction to Biology
- Safety in Our Environment
- Health and Immunity
- Cell Structure and Organization
- Classification of Living Things
- Nutrition
- Balance of Nature
- Transport of Materials in Living Things
- Gaseous Exchange and Respiration.
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - The main objective of this format is to give guidance to Agricultural Science assessors in setting assessments. In this format a number of competences will be assessed.
- The Agricultural Science assessment will comprise one theory paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of three sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions. Students will be required to answer all questions. The paper will weigh 100 marks.
- Section A will consist of three (3) objective questions. The section will weigh a total of twenty (20) marks. Question one (1) will be a multiple choice question consisting of ten (10) items from various topics. The question will carry ten (10) marks. Question two (2) will be a matching item consisting of five (5) items. The question will carry five (5) marks. Question three (3) will be a True/False question consisting of five (5) items. The question will carry five (5) marks.
- Section B will have six (6) short answer questions. The section will weigh a total of sixty (60) marks. Each question will carry ten (10) marks.
- Section C will have one (1) essay type question. The question will carry twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:Fundamentals of Agriculture
- Agricultural Mechanics
- The Concept of Agricultural Mechanics
- The Farm Workshop
- Farm Power and Machinery.
- Introduction to Crop Science and Production
- Classification of Crop Plants Grown in Tanzania
- Distribution of Major Crop Plants of Economic Importance in Tanzania
- Factors Affecting Crop Production in Tanzania 5.3.5 Farming Systems
- Cropping Systems and Planting Patterns
- Principles of Crop Production
- Crop Protection
- Horticultural Production
- Handling and Processing of Crop Products
- Crop Storage Structures.
- Introduction to Livestock Science and Production
- Factors Affecting Livestock Production in Tanzania
- Livestock Farming Systems in Tanzania
- Principles of Livestock Production
- Poultry Farming
- Livestock Feeds and Feeding.
- The Concept of Farming Business Economics
- Agricultural Economics
- Price and its Determinants
- Factors of Production.
- Soil and its Agricultural Utilization
- The Concept of Soil
- Soil Constituents
- Weathering and Soil Formation
- Physical Properties of Soil
- Types of Soils Found in Tanzania.
ENGINEERING SCIENCE FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - This assessment format has been prepared to provide the guide for setting the Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- There will be one paper with ten (10) questions in sections A and B. The duration of this paper will be 2:30 hours. All questions in sections A and B will be compulsory.
- Section A will comprise one (1) question of ten (10) Multiple-Choice items, one (1) question of ten (10) True and False items and one (1) question of ten (10) Completion items each weighing one (1) mark. The section will weigh thirty (30) marks.
- Section B will comprise of seven (7) structured questions each weighing ten (10) marks. The section will weigh seventy (70) marks in total.
The following topics will be assessed:- Units and Measurement
- Forces
- Linear Motion
- Work, Energy and Power 5.5 Sound
- Optical (Light)
- Friction
- Turning Forces
- Simple Machine
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat
- Electricity and Magnetism
INFORMATION AND COMPUTER STUDIES FORM 2 EXAM FORMAT -The syllabus intends to assess students’ competence rather than contents. The purpose of this format is to provide the objective of Information and Computer Studies (ICS) assessment, the structure of the assessment paper and indicate the topics to be covered during the assessment as stipulated in the syllabus for Form I and II level.
- The Information and Computer Studies paper will comprise 10 questions in sections A, B and C. Students will be required to answer all questions. The duration for this paper will be 2:30 hours. The paper will weigh 100 marks.
- Section A will consist of three (3) questions. Question one (1) will be a multiple choice consisting of ten (10) items. The question will carry ten (10) marks. Question two (2) will be a matching item question consisting of five (5) items. The question will carry five (5) marks. Question three (3) will be a True/False question consisting of five (5) items. The question will carry five (5) marks. The whole section will weighs a total of twenty (20) marks.
- Section B will consist of six (6) short answer questions, each of which will carry ten (10) marks. The section will weigh a total of sixty (60) marks.
- Section C will consist of one (1) essay or long question which will carry twenty (20) marks. The section will weigh a total of twenty (20) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Information
- The computer
- Computer software
- Computer handling
- Computer evolution
- Word processing
- Spreadsheet
- Computer networks and communications
- The internet
BASIC MATHEMATICS FORM II EXAM FORMAT - This assessment format has been prepared using the Basic Mathematics syllabus for Secondary Schools that was issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in 2005.
- There will be one (1) paper of 2:30 hours duration. This paper will have ten (10) short–response questions, each carrying ten (10) marks. The students will be required to answer all the questions, showing all the work clearly.
The following topics will be assessed:- Numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals and Percentages
- Units
- Approximations
- Geometry
- Algebra
- Ratio, profit and loss
- Coordinate geometry
- Perimeters and areas
- Exponents and radicals
- Quadratic equations
- Logarithms
- Congruence
- Similarity
- Geometrical transformations 5.17 Pythagoras theorem
- Trigonometry
- Sets
- Statistics
ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS FORM II EXAM FORMAT - The Additional Mathematics format has been prepared basing on the 2010 Additional Mathematics Syllabus for Secondary Schools, Form I – IV. It has covered all nine (9) topics which are taught in Form One and Form Two.
- This paper will comprise ten (10) questions. Each question will carry ten (10) marks. The students will be required to answer all questions. The duration of the examination paper will be 2:30 hours.
The following topics will be assessed:- Numbers
- Algebra
- Geometrical Constructions 5.4 Locus
- Coordinate Geometry
- Symmetry
- Logic
- Variations
- Sets
FOOD AND NUTRITION FORM 2 EXAM FORMAT - The Food and Nutrition assessment format for Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) covers the form one and form two topics derived from the Home Economics syllabus for Secondary Schools which was issued in 1997.
- There will be one (1) theory paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of eleven (11) questions in sections A, B and C. Students will be required to answer all the questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C. The paper will weigh 100 marks.
- Section A: Objective Questions This section will comprise three (3) questions set from various topics of the syllabus and will weigh twenty four (24) marks.
- Question 1 will consist of ten (10) multiple-choice items (i) – (x) and the students will be required to choose the correct answer from the alternatives given. Each item will carry one (1) mark, making a total of ten (10) marks.
- Question 2 will consist of seven (7) True/False items. The students will be required to write ‘True’ for the correct statement and ‘False’ for the incorrect one. Each item will carry one (1) mark, making a total of seven (7) marks.
- Question 3 will be matching items. A series of seven (7) items (i) – (vii) will be listed in Column A and eight (8) responses in Column B. Students will be required to write the letter of response that fits premises in Column A besides the item number. Each item will carry one (1) mark, making a total of seven (7) marks.
- Section B: Short Answer Questions
- This section will consist of six (6) short answer questions extracted
- from any topic of the Form I or Form II syllabus. Each question will have three parts (a), (b) and (c), and will weigh ten (10) marks, making a total of sixty (60) marks.
- Section C: Essay Questions This section will consist of two (2) essay questions set from different topics of the syllabus. Students will be required to answer only one (1) question from this section. The question will weigh sixteen (16) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- Good manners and good grooming
- Age courtship and marriage practices
- The family, family roles and relationships 5.4 Laundering in the home
- Disinfectants and their use
- Materials used in the home
- Cleaning agents
- Sanitation
- Cleaning a house
- Floors and floor covering
- The house compound
- Kitchen planning
- Kitchen and food hygiene
- Food
- Money management
- Water supply
- Refuse
- An ideal home
- Public health services
- The adolescent and early marriage
- The expectant mother
- The coming baby
- Child health baby clinic
- Feeding the baby
- Family planning
- The toddler
- Children’s ailments
- Accidents in the home 5.29 Cooking food
- Planning balanced meals
TEXTILES AND DRESSMAKING FORM II EXAM FORMAT - The Textiles and Dressmaking assessment format for Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) covers the form one and form two topics derived from the Home Economics syllabus for Secondary Schools which was issued in 1997.
- There will be one (1) theory paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of eleven (11) questions in sections A, B and C. Students will be required to answers all the questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C. The paper will weigh hundred (100) marks.
- Section A: Objective Questions This section will comprise of three (3) questions set from various topics of the syllabus and it will weigh twenty four (24) marks.
- Question 1 will consist of ten (10) multiple-choice items (i) – (x) and the students will be required to choose the correct answer from the alternatives given. Each item will carry one (1) mark, making a total of ten (10) marks.
- Question 2 will consist of seven (7) True/False items. The students will be required to write ‘True’ for the correct statement and ‘False’ for the incorrect one. Each item will carry one (1) mark, making a total of seven (7) marks.
- Question 3 will be matching items. A series of seven (7) items (i) – (vii) will be listed in Column A and eight (8) responses in Column B. Students will be required to write the letter of response that fits premises in Column A besides the item number. Each item will carry one (1) mark, making a total of seven (7) marks.
- Section B: Short Answer Questions This section will consist of six (6) short answer questions extracted
- from any topic of the Form I or Form II syllabus. Each question will have three parts (a), (b) and (c), and will weigh ten (10) marks, making a total of sixty (60) marks.
- Section C: Essay Questions This section will consist of two (2) essay questions set from different topics of the syllabus. Students will be required to answer only one (1) question from this section. The question will weigh sixteen (16) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- The sewing room
- The sewing machine
- Fabrics
- Basic sewing stitches
- Making aprons
- Embroidery
- Undergarments
- Mending
- Pattern drafting
- Pattern marking
- Choice and estimation of material
- Laying and cutting out
- Seams
- Disposal of fullness Sleeves
- Collars
- Openings and fastenings
- Edge finishes
- Pockets
COMMERCE FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - The FTNA is a formative evaluation, which aims at measuring the students’ educational attainment of the specified competences learnt in two years of Secondary Education.
- There will be one paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of three sections A, B and C with a total of 7 questions. Students will be required to answer all questions.
- Section A will consist of three (3) questions. The section will weigh a total of thirty (30) marks. Question one (1) will consist of 10 multiple-choice items, each carrying one (1) mark making a total of 10 marks. Question two (2) will consist of five (5) matching items each carrying one (1) mark making a total of five (05) marks. Question three (3) will consist of fifteen (15) items of one (1) mark each, of which ten (10) will be True or False and five (5) items will be filling blanks.
- Section B will comprise two (2) short answer questions of fifteen (15) marks each. The total marks in this section will be thirty (30). Question four (4) will involve definitions on any five commercial terms (i – v) or differentiation of five pairs of commercial terms (i – v). Question five (5) will involve brief explanations on different commercial concepts.
- Section C will comprise two (2) questions (6 and 7). One question will involve drawings or calculations and the other will be an essay type question. Each question will carry twenty (20) marks. The whole section will weigh forty (40) marks.
The following topics will be assessed:- The Scope of Commerce
- Production
- Theory of Demand
- Theory of Supply
- Retail trade
- Wholesale trade
- Warehousing
- Stock Administration.
BOOK KEEPING FORM 2 EXAM FORMAT - This Book Keeping assessment format for Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) covers the Form I and Form II topics derived from the Business Studies Syllabus for Secondary Schools issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in 1997.
- There will be one paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of seven (7) questions, divided into sections A, B and C. The students will be required to answer all questions. The paper will weigh hundred (100) marks.
- Section A will consist of ten (10) Multiple Choice items and ten (10) Matching Items. Each question will carry ten (10) marks; making a total of twenty (20) marks in this section.
- Section B will consist of two (2) questions. The questions may either be short answer, or simple calculation, filling the blanks or true and false questions. Each question will carry ten (10) marks; making a total of twenty (20) marks in this section.
- Section C will consist of three (3) questions on problem-solving and recording of transactions. The students will be required to attempt all three (3) questions. Each question will carry twenty (20) marks; making a total of sixty (60) marks in this section.
The following topics will be assessed:- Subject matter of Book Keeping
- Principles of double entry system
- Classification of accounts
- Trial balance
- Stock
- Elementary trading, profit or loss accounts
- Elementary balance sheet
- Books of prime entry
- Petty cash and imprest system (Columnar petty cash book) 5.10 Bank reconciliation statement
- Government accounting terminologies
- Source of government funds and expenditure estimates.
TECHNICAL DRAWING FORM TWO EXAM FORMAT - This assessment format for Technical Drawing Subject has been prepared to provide the guide for setting the Form Two National Assessment (FTNA). The format has been prepared to cover the requirements of the existing Technical Drawing syllabus of 1994.
- There will be one (1) theoretical assessment paper with a total of seven (7) questions divided in sections A and B. Students will be required to answer all questions in section A in the spaces provided and two (2) questions from section B on a separate paper provided. The duration for this paper will be three (3) hours.
- Section A will comprise four (4) questions. The section will carry a total of forty (40) marks. Question one (1) will consist of ten (10) multiple-choice items (i-x), each will weigh one (1) mark, making a total of ten (10) marks. Question two (2) will consist of ten (10) True and False items (i - x), each will weigh one (1) mark making a total of ten (10) marks. Question three (3) and four (4) will be constructed from Basic Technical Drawing and will weigh ten (10) marks each.
- Section B will consist of three (3) questions from either Pictorial, Orthographic, Auxiliary views or Loci topics. Student will be required to answer two (2) questions. Each question will weigh thirty (30) marks making a total of sixty (60) marks in this section.
The following topic will be assessed:- Draughting office/room
- Draughting equipment
- Standard ISO and drawing sheet
- Lines
- Lettering
- Geometrical construction in plane geometry 5.7 Scale
- Similar figures
- Equal areas
- Pictorial drawing
- Orthographic projection
- Auxiliary views
- Blending of lines and curves
- Loci
- Dimensioning
- Freehand Sketching.
CIVIL ENGINEERING FORM 2 EXAM FORMAT - This assessment format for Civil Engineering subjects has been prepared for assessing Form Two National Assessment.
- There will be one (1) theory paper for Civil Engineering subjects. The paper will consist of 13 questions and the student will be required to answer 09 questions. The duration for the paper will be two and half (2:30) hours.
- Section A will be compulsory comprising Multiple Choices, Matching Items, True and False and Short Answers items from several topics in Building Construction subject. Students will be required to answer all questions in this section. This section will weigh a total of forty (40) marks.
- Question 1 will consist of five (5) multiple-choice items. Each item will weigh one (1) mark.
- Question 2 will consist of five (5) matching items in List A which will be matched with responses from List B. Each item will weigh one (1) mark.
- Question 3 will consist of five (5) True and False items. Each item will weigh one (1) mark.
- Questions 4 to 8 will be Short Answers items and each will weigh five (5) marks making a total of twenty five (25) marks.
- Section B will comprise five (5) structured questions from five options. Questions in this section will be drawn from the topics of the optional trade subject of the students’ specialization. Each question in this section will comprise five (5) parts weighing twelve (12) marks each. Students will be required to answer all parts of the question in their area of specialization. The total marks in this section will be sixty (60).
The following topics will be tested:- Introduction to architectural elements in building
- Construction materials
- Site preparation
- Foundation
- Scaffolding and shoring
- Walls
The following topics will be assessed in each optionOption I: Surveying
- Introduction to surveying laboratory
- Safety
- Surveying instruments
- Chain surveying
- Chain and compass traversing
- Introduction to workshop layout
- Safety
- Tools, equipment and machines Timber
- Truing up timber
- Joints.
- Introduction to workshop layout
- Safety
- Tools, plant and equipment
- Bricks and block making
- Mortar
- Bonding
- Foundation
- Concrete.
- Introduction to painter and sign writers workshop
- Safety
- Tools, equipment, plants and brushes
- Paints and painting materials
- Painting techniques
- Water paints and texture finishes.
- Introduction and workshop arrangement
- Safety and regulations
- Tools, equipment and plants
- Materials
- Protective coatings
- Bending
- Threading and pipe fitting
- Joints and jointing.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FORM II EXAM FORMAT - The current Electrical Engineering Syllabus for Secondary Education was issued in 1994 by the Tanzania Institute of Education.
- There will be one (1) paper of 2:30 hours duration. The paper will consist of sections A and B with a total of eleven (11) questions.
- Section A will comprise nine (9) questions. Question 1 will consist of ten (10) multiple-choice items from various topics in Electrical Engineering Science. Each item will weigh one (1) mark and the remaining eight (8) questions will be short-answers, each will weigh five (5) marks. This section will weigh a total of fifty (50) marks.
- Section B will consist of two parts. Part I will be on Electrical Installation and part II will be on Electronics, Radio repair and TV Servicing. Each part will comprise one (1) structured question; weighing fifty (50) marks. Each question in each part will contain five items covering different topics, within the syllabus. Each item will weigh ten (10) marks.
- Students will be required to answer the question from one of the two parts depending on their area of specialization. This section will carry a total of fifty (50) marks.
The following topics will be assessed in each area:Electrical Engineering Science
- Nature of Electricity
- Units
- D.C Circuits
- Effects of Electrical Current
- Electric Heating
- Magnetism and Electromagnetism
- Instruments and Measurements
- Transformers
- Batteries and Cells
- Conductor and Cables
- Safety and tools
- Electrical accessories and symbols
- Conductor, insulators and cables
- Supply systems
- Sheathed wiring system
- Conduit, trunking and ducts
- Special wiring
- Consumer circuits
- Protective devices
- Earthing
- Safety ,tools and equipment
- Electronic circuit components
- Soldering
- Semiconductors
- Semiconductor diodes
- Power supplies
- Bipolar transistor
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING EXAM FORMAT - This assessment format has been designed according to the current Mechanical Engineering Syllabus for Secondary Education issued in 1994 by the Ministry of Education. The format intends to measure the students’ educational attainment of the specified competences learned in two years of Secondary Education.
- There will be one (1) paper consisting of sections A and B with a total of fourteen (14) questions out of which students will be required to answer eight (8) questions. Time allocated will be 2:30 hours.
- Section A will comprise one (1) question of five (5) multiple-choice items from various topics each weighing one (1) mark, one (1) matching items question consisting of five (5) items each weighing one (1) mark and five (5) short answer questions weighing six (6) marks each. Students will be required to answer all questions. The total marks for this section will be forty (40).
- Section B will comprise seven (7) optional areas according to students’ specializations. Each area will comprise one (1) structured question with parts (a), (b) and (c) weighing 20 marks each, thus making a total of 60 marks. The students will be required to answer questions in all parts from one area of their specialization.
The following topics will be assessed:Compulsory Part
Workshop Technology- Introduction to workshop Technology
- Engineering materials
- Production of engineering materials
- Lubrication.
Specialization Areas
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- Refrigeration
- Air conditioning
- Tools and equipment
- Brazing
- Heat temperature and pressure
- Refrigerants.
Plant and Equipment Maintenance
- Maintenance
- Preventive maintenance
- Corrective maintenance.
Motor Vehicle Mechanics
- Introduction to motor vehicle mechanics
- Safety
- Tools and equipment
- Vehicle layout
- Fasteners and locking devices
- Power unit
- Fuel system
- Ignition system
- Lubrication system.
Welding and Metal Fabrication
- Introduction to welding and metal fabrication
- Safety
- Welding
- Soft soldering
- Production of welding gases
- Gas welding equipment and accessories
- Gas welding
- Electric arc welding accessories and equipment
- Electric arc welding
- Filler metals
- Resistance welding
- Weld joints
- Welding position.
Fitting and Turning
- Introduction to fitting and turning
- Safety
- Hand tools
- Machines
- Common tools
- Drilling
- Lathe machine
- Metal joining.
Auto Electrics
- Introduction to auto electrics
- Safety
- Battery
- Charging system.
- Foundry and Blacksmith
- Introduction to foundry and blacksmith
- Safety
- Forging tools and equipment
- Foundry tools and equipment
- Foundry and black smith processes (Introduction)
- Patterns and pattern making
- Parting materials
- Forging
- Hand moulding.