Final week to exams can be a frustrating and exhausting experience if one is not properly prepared. But the benefits of learning how to prepare for final exams far outweigh the stresses of staying up all night to cram. Here are five tips for preparing for final exams.
The following method of studying, called the SQ3R Method, was developed to help students and all people to read faster and study better. Follow them keenly and you will be able to excel in every subject you are studying.
Let us look at each step in details:-
Step one: SURVEY
This step takes only a few minutes. Go through the chapter quickly. Glance at the chapter title, the introduction, headings, and summary paragraphs, if any. Notice any pictures, diagrams, graphs, tables, etc. Previewing your text gives you some background about topics you may have never encountered before. You pick up general information. You know where to find information. You gain a better idea of how the information is organized and presented. It opens up a place in your brain where the new information will be stored. It saves time by reducing the amount of time it takes to read the chapter.
Another advantage is that it creates an interest in what is coming up. It motivates you to read less interesting material to get to the “good stuff.”
Step two: QUESTION
Before you begin reading a section, turn the heading into a question. For example, if the heading is Causes of High blood pressure, your question would be "What is High blood pressure?" This arouses your curiosity and increases your comprehension. It also brings to memory the information you already know. The questions you ask help make important points stand out as you read. This forces you to think deeply about what you are reading.
Read the material under the heading with the purpose of getting the answer to your question. Read with concentration. Identify the main ideas and highlight or underline them. Read sections at a time and stop to ask questions. Jot down notes and ask yourself what you just read. If you can answer your question, read on. If not, look it over again. Make note of new vocabulary and write definitions in your notes.
Step four: RECITE
This step requires that you recite out loud the answer to the question you asked prior to reading a section of the text. Say it in your own words. If you find you cannot answer your question, go back and look for the answer, then try again. This way you will know if you have understood the material. Besides answering your questions, look away from the book and try to state in your own words what the reading is about. You may jot down brief notes about what you read.
Step four: REVIEW
After you have read the entire chapter, look over the notes you made to familiarize yourself with the important information. Check your memory by reciting the main points out loud. Then review the main points in your notes, making sure you understand them. Add to your notes from the text, if necessary. Always do a review of the chapter after completing your reading. Then do quick reviews before and after each class. Do longer, more in-depth reviews before exams.
Note: Don’t wait until exam time to review your textbook.
Review once a week all the readings from that week. Be sure you can summarize the key points. Write them down to further reinforce learning. Finally, make up test questions from what you have read. Be sure to write them down and answer them.
Follow the guideline properly and you will undoubtedly be able to pass your examinations.
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