Major groups of living things

The largest group of classification is a kingdom.  Then phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Species is a group of organisms which can interbred and produce fertile offspring.

Kingdoms are 5 groups which all living organisms can be classified into.

The five kingdoms are:
1. Kingdom Monera
2. Kingdom Protoctista
3. Kingdom Fungi
4. Kingdom Plantae
5. Kingdom Animalia

Scientists use nomeclaure to name organisms.  Every organism is given two names. The first name is the genus.  The second name is the species.  Both names are written in Latin, so that everyone can understand them, regardless of their language.

Viruses are very small infecting agent that can not be classified. This is because  viruses are not considered living organisms.  They are not living because they are not made up of cells, do not perform normal functions, and cannot reproduce without a host cell.

Viruses are very small and only have two parts: a protein coat and a strand of genetic material.

Characteristics of viruses
a. Viruses are made up of genetic material inside a protein coat
b. Viruses have no nucleus or organelles
c. Viruses cannot reproduce on their own
d. Viruses do not perform normal life processes like respiration, growth, excretion, or nutrition.

How viruses cause disease
a. When a virus enters a cell in your its takes control of the cell.  The cell stops performing its normal functions and begins to make more viruses.  Eventually the cell will burst, releasing the new viruses.  Each of these new viruses will enter a new cell and reproduce itself.

Disadvantages of viruses
a. They attack living cells and destroy them
b. They multiple quickly inside living cells.
c. They cause disease.
d. They can spread easily, through the air or by contact.
e. They are difficult to kill.

Kingdom Monera
Kingdom Monera is all bacteria and blue-green algae.  These are considered the oldest organism on earth.

All organisms in Kingdom Monera are unicellular and are prokaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cells are cells without a definite nucleus or membrane- bound organelles.

Bacteria can be found everywhere on earth

There are two phyla of Kingdom Monera

a. Phylum Bacteria
b. Phylum Cyanobacteria

Cynobacteria is blue-green algae.  Cynobacteria can practice photosynthesis.

Characteristics of bacteria
a. Bacteria are prokaryotic, single-celled organisms
b. Bacteria perform all like processes like respiration, growth, and excretion.
c. Bacteria reproduce on their own through asexual reproduction.
d. Bacteria cells have no nucleus
e. The genetic material is in the cytoplasm
f. Bacteria cells have a cell wall

Advantages of Bacteria. The following are ways bacteria are helpful:

i. the recycling of nutrients, like nitrogen
ii. the treatment of waste
iii. the production of vitamin K in our body
iv. the digestion of cellouse
v. the production of cheese, vinager, and youghurt
vi. the production of medicine

Disadvantages of Bacteria. The following are ways bacteria is harmful:

i. Some bacteria cause diseaseii. Some bacteria eat our food sources and cause them to become harmful to eat and bad tasting

Differences between viruses and bacteria
Viruses                                                               Bacteria
Not considered a living organism                     Considered a living organism
Does not perform all life processes                  Performs all life processes
Needs a host cell to reproduce                         Reproduces on their own asexually

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Digestive system in humans


Classification of Living Things