Career Guidance & Development - What is career development?

Career Guidance

What is career?
It is A person’s course or progress through life. It also pertains to his occupational  or profession that usually involves special training or formal education and is considered to be a person’s lifework. (Oxford English Dictionary)

What is career development?
Career development is an ongoing process of gaining knowledge and improving skills that will help an individual to establish a career plan.

Having the Right Career Can be a source of great pride:-
  • Give you a positive self-image and sense of accomplishment
  • Determine where you live and who your friends are
  • Largely determine your standard of living
Today’s Generation Students
  • Never plan for the future                      
  • Follow the crowd
  • Choose by influence of others.
  • Accept the parent’s verdict (decision) by force
  • Get tempted by current trends
  • Jump into any career
  • Lack motivation
  • Fail to ‘’discover their lives’’
  • Live in a fantasy world
How you achieve your life’s goals may ultimately depend on the career you choose.

Current Job Trends - When determining which career field is right for you, think about which jobs are in demand now and whether or not those jobs will be in demand in the future.

Some Of the In-Demand Careers are:-

The Most In-Demand Jobs

  • Health and medical services
  • Computer-related and technical fields/Information Technology
  • Education
  • Business and financial fields
  • Agriculture
  • Engineering
  • Human Resources
  • Manufacturing And Logistics
A look at Five chronological Stages of human Growth/development which may help you in your career choice.

Growth, which lasts from birth to fourteen;
Exploration lasting from age fifteen to twenty four with the sub-stages of crystallization, specification and implementation;
Establishment from twenty five to forty four, with sub-stages of stabilization, consolidation and advancing;
Maintenance from forty five to sixty four, with sub-stages of holding, updating and innovating;
● Finally the fifth stage of decline from age sixty five on-wards, with sub-stages decelerating, retirement planning and retirement living

Career Guidance & Development - Faculties

Bachelor of Science in Optometry and Vision Sciences

The graduates of the programme are expected  to examine client’s eyes, prescribe optical aids in the form of spectacles, contact lenses among others. Graduates have career in the Health sector both in government and in private practice.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Conservation

Students acquire skills in conservation and management of environmental resources.Graduates can work with government Ministry of Environment  and natural resources, with NGO’s involved in conservation in private sector and Research Scientists.

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Biotechnology

Students acquire biological knowledge and skills for scientific challenges associated with environmental agriculture and medical problems in the society. Job opportunities available in genetic engineering fields, technological research institutions and manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries.

Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

It is a programme that advance the discovery and translation of the roles in nutrition in optimizing health of people in the nation and the world. Graduates develop careers in Teaching, Research, Consultancy, Health Clinics corporate personnel, food service industry

Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy and Bio-fuel Technology

The programme is intended to provide highly trained manpower with broad range of conceptual and practical skills geared towards enhancing renewable energy and bio-fuel technology and energy consultancy. Graduates will be employed as bio-fuel consultants, energy policy makers, renewable energy technologists, teaching, aggro-processing consultants and researchers.

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical

The graduate will pursue careers in industrial engineering, production engineering or automotive engineering.

Bachelor of Technology in Applied Chemistry

The graduates will pursue careers in analytical and industrial chemistry, chemical and Biological, Pharmaceutical, Agricultural and Food Processing industries.

Bachelor of Engineering in Building and Civil

Graduates will pursue careers in building and construction industry, research institutions or in academic institutions

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics

Graduates will pursue careers in telecommunication engineering, instrumentation and automation engineering and electrical power engineering

Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Technology is programme focused to meet the growing needs of computer hardware and software professionals in the industry.

Bachelor of Agribusiness Management

Degree will produce professionals in the disciplines of Agriculture and social sciences. Programme will exposes students to current advancements in Information Technology and Management. Graduates should be able to work in the aggro-industry sectors and related organizations. They are expected to help the activities in his sectors to enhance management of the input, supply, product and marketing sub-sectors.

Bachelor of Early Childhood Dev. Education

Working in Public and Private Early Childhood Development programmes, Teacher training college, Primary Schools, Ministry of Education, NGOs, Children homes, Orphanages etc. 

Career Guidance & Development

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