FFARS - Facility Financial Accounting and Reporting System

FFARS (Facility Financial Accounting and Reporting System) 


ffars - FFARS Tanzania - fars user guide

FFARS is an abbriviation which stands for - Facility Financial Accounting and Reporting System 

FFARS is an accounting and reporting system which helps to consolidate, improve and link current accounting and reporting activities through a strengthened and comprehensive system.


Facility Financial Accounting and Reporting System (FFARS)

Developed in partnership with the U.S. Government through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), these computer-based information management systems will play complementary roles in preparing plans and budgets and standardizing financial management at every level of government. In particular, these platforms will ensure the efficient, transparent, and accountable use of funds among Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and facilities, paving the way for improved delivery of public services to citizens.

 FFARS serves as an accounting and reporting system for facilities such as schools and health centers, where funding for public services is increasingly being managed. FFARS offers service providers a simple, standardized, set of documents and processes that enable them to record the availability and source of their funding for core services at each facility. FFARS also tracks how funds are used and ensures compliance with procurement regulations and reporting requirements. With this information, the Government of Tanzania will maintain a more robust public financial management system that increases transparency so that service providers are more accountable to the communities and organizations they serve. 

The accounting activities at the facility level are part and parcel of the accounting activities at the council level and thus directly link the two as explained below:-
  • Planning and budgeting at the facility level feeds into the planning and budgeting at the Council level. Hence budget codes used at the council level will also apply at the facility level i.e. cost Centre codes, fund type, same GFS codes for inputs
  • Classification of income and expenditure items will be the same at both levels.
  • Coding of transactions at facility level will be according to the coding at the LGA level.
  • Actual expenditures at the facility level are accumulated to determine budget performance over a given period of time e.g. end of the year at the LGA level.
  • Preparation of financial reports at the facility level should allow consolidation of the same into the LGA accounts.
  • Auditing undertaken at the facility level is part and parcel of the auditing taking place at the LGA levels, such as ethics, standards and performance

Purpose of ffars Manual

This manual has been prepared to provide for a unified, simple and practical system (both paper and electronic system) of accounting and reporting covering all sectors at the facility level. It will therefore act as a reference and working tool at this level geared towards guiding the facility officials in ensuring proper accounting, utilization and reporting of all financial resources (both own and external financial resources) that are availed at the facility.


Getting started with ffars.

By the time you have received this manual and you want to access FFARS, you should already have access to the internet. This manual assumes the following:
  • You have provided a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
  • You have an administrative privilege on the site. If you do not have a username & password, contact for developers.

To login into FFARS

fars pdf>>ffars online documentation>>ffars manual

ffars bank reconciliation